

趣自考2023-10-30 19:24程序人生680人已围观



1、简单介绍你将如何支配自由时间。2、列举实力,具体说明。3、叙述你那样做的理由。2015年请以「天気とわたしたちの生活」为题写一篇短文。写作要点:11、There are many reasons responsible for thisphenomenon/case/instance and the following are the

英语小短文篇1 高中英语小笑话带翻译:Who Is This My two sister and I were all away at various colleges at the same time. One day, after facing one crisis too many and tire1.简单易懂的英语小短文篇一There are many students in middle school wear the glasses, and many of them were wearing the glasses since little. We ha

篇1:励志英文小短文The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature. It is a moral quality. The absence of it is not an assured ground of condemnatio1.经典英语短文简单小故事Once upon a time, the animals living on the ground and those flying in the sky fought against each other. However, a bat co

1)第一句展现情绪:面对矛盾,本能反应(紧扣一个关键词);2)第二句补充细节:进一步解释描写本能反应;英语小短文1 Adult ceremony maybe is not very familiar for our Chinese. Although in the old time, our country also has the tradition to have * cerem

⊙▽⊙ 英文小短文篇一Tom was tired out, and he went to bed as soon as he reached home. Suddenly it occurred to him that he had planned to do something th短文一This weekend, our family had a big get-together. My grandparents said they haven't seen us for a long time. So they asked all of us to come home this weekend. M


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