

趣自考2023-11-25 08:15程序人生593人已围观



+△+ 篇一:英语广播稿篇一xxx: 你好,我亲爱的老师和学生,欢迎来到我们的英语广播。很高兴再次见到你。太好了。我是你的朋友。今天我们将谈论世界不同地方的天气。英语的广播稿1 Broadcast material Together: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Here is today’s English broadcasting programme. Student 1:Today is Friday, March the tenth

英语广播稿1 A:Good afternoon,boys and girls. It’s time for our happy English. B:同学们下午好,又到了我们的快乐英语时间了。A:I am xx B: I am xx 合:今天让我们一起来学习大学英文广播稿200字下面是小编整理的大学英语广播稿,欢迎大家阅读!广播稿一a:good afternoon, my dear teachers and friends, welcome to back to our english broadcast. b: our program has

戴祝灵:今天我们通过英语广播又增长了许多课外的知识。任青:That’s all for the English broadcast. It’s time to say goodbye. 戴祝灵:今天的校园英语广播英语广播稿1 A:Hello,everyone,nice to see you again,welcome to our English broad cast. B:My dear teachers and students,so nice to meet you in the broad cast. A:Today w

courage.高中校园全英文广播稿二:校园英语广播稿(859字)第一期b: our program has a little change this term. we plan to share a story with you on every tuesday afterno校园英语广播稿篇1 1.A: Good afternoon, everyone.同学们,下午好!Welcome to the English broadcast.欢迎大家收听我们的校园英语广播. B: I’m your English teacher Miss Sun. A:


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